Typically, most
of the Generations X versus Generation Y foods is totally different. This is due both of this generations are come
from different world, era as well as time frame. Therefore, this entry will act as a medium to
explore, expose and figure out more about the culture of foods between of this
generations as well as.
Generations X
Generations X especially Dayak Tribe Parishioners or “ Suku Dayak Melanau” love to eat “tepung sagu “or “lemantak” to replace the rice since during at time it is
really hard for them to find the rice. Sago Palm is fondly dubbed the “Tree of
Life” by the Melanau communities. Basically, the sago palm is a staple food
source for indigenous communities. This is due to, this kind of food can
provide them with the full of energy in order to survive and get endure during
the war time .In turn, they will make use all the natural sources in order to stay
alive and withstand with the war environment since they had been treated and tortured
badly during the period of colonization.
Generation Y
In a nutshell, Generations Y versus Generations X foods is
obviously different, but it does not mean that, the unity among both of the generations
cannot be strengthening. The different in food choose and preference is not the
turning point that the unity value cannot be cultivated. But, the most crucial
element is, we as a young generations should feel grateful with the tranquility
of our country, which is Malaysia and bear in mind to love, protect and cherish
this independent for our next generations.
Commercial Break of Nasi Lemak at Marrybrown
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