
Monday 24 September 2012

Sky Juice versus Pull Tea ( Teh Tarik)

Posted by Unknown at 07:57 2 comments

Basically, Generations X is prefers to drink a glass of sky juice compared to other kinds of drinks.  This is due to this kind of drink contains bundle of benefits towards the mankind such as good for our digestion systems, as a lubrication agents and can prevent the stroke diseases as well as.

First, I will explain about sky juice or (H20) is really good for our digestion system since, it will make sure our digestion system can perform their job in effective and efficient way. Therefore, it will avoid the constipation problem.

Second, sky juice will act as an agent for lubricating. This is due to our body need at least 8 glasses of water in order to ensure the fluid and liquid in the body are ample enough to control and regulating our body temperature.

Third, sky juice can prevent the stroke problem as well. This is due to, it will help to ensure our muscle and ligament in the strong conditions and at last it will speed up our respiration and blood regulating systems.

Besides that, sky juice is totally the cheapest drink during the war time  or no cost for it and most of them drink sky juice to avoid from felt thirsty. 

But, Generations Y nowadays is more prefers to drink a glass of Pull Tea and in turn, this kind of drink is totally synonym with Malaysian culture even though the origin of Pull tea is from hot Indian milk tea beverage. When they are hang out and mingled around with their friends they tend to drink Pull Tea especially during watching football at the Mamak’s Stall. It is true that Pull Tea contains its own benefits, for instance when they are drinking a cup of Pull Tea will act as agents to reduce and cut down their level of stress and it taste also so aromatic and tasty. That was why it can attract the young generations to drink it at least one cup per a day.  

However, bear in mind that, Pull Tea consists a quite high amount of caramel milk. Too much drinking to this kind of drink is totally not good for our health since it will disturb our body to function well in future.

Therefore, if you noticed that the type of drink between Generation X versus Generations Y is totally differ and personally I think that, the generation X type of drink is more healthy compare to other. 


Sunday 23 September 2012

Musa versus Apple

Posted by Unknown at 19:16 0 comments

Have you ever heard “Wang Pokok Pisang” ? Some might say “Yes” and some might say “No”. This is due to this kind of money were been used such a long ago, before Malaysia attains it Independent Day.

But, this blog will not  going to discuss more about “ Wang Pokok Pisang”  since the main intention of this blog  will be exposing more about the fruits that used to be eaten by Generations X as well as Generations Y. 

Basically, bananas also known as Musa are one of the most popular choices when it comes to healthy snacks. They are cheap, accessible and don’t have to be washed as you peel of the skin. Bananas are used in everything from bread to chips, savoury dishes and desserts.  If you thought that banana is just another fruit, take a look at these benefits of eating bananas.

banana nutrition

Before Malaysia achieve it National Day, in order to stay alive and endure with the war environment, the people used to eat banana fruit since it contains lots of nutrients such as good for health, can prevent the constipation problem as well as provide the energy. This is due to, during that time, it was really hard for them to find the rice, so in order to get survived they were eaten banana to ensure they have the ample energy to carry out their daily routine in life. 

However, Generations Y nowadays tends to eat other fruit instead of banana, for instance an apple. It is true that an apple consists of bundles of benefits towards the human kind such as in recent reports apples have been listed as helping to prevent high cholesterol and its ability to lower cholesterol. Aside from the benefits to scrub the intestines and aid in elimination apples are also a cancer prevention food. Apples can help in preventing, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, and Liver Cancer.

Besides that, apples are also helping children with asthma.  Children who eat apples or drank apple juice had fewer asthma attacks versus children who did not eat apples or drink apple juice.

Nutritional Value and Calories of an Apple

  • 1 med. apple
  • 81 calories
  • protein approx 1/2 g
  • carbohydrate 21g
  • Fiber approx 4 g
  • Vitamin A 74 IU
  • Potassium 159 mg
  • Niacin 0.106 mg
  • Folic acid 4 mcg
  • Vitamin C 8 mg

An apple a day keeps the doctor away commercial video

As a conclusion, even though these kinds of fruits are totally different but on the other side both of them provided Generations X and Generations Y benefit in the term of health. 


Dried fish versus “Daging Salai Masak Lemak”

Posted by Unknown at 18:00 0 comments

Nowadays, generations Y is already forgotten about the food that used to eat before Malaysia attains it Independence Day. This is due to, are not been exposed too much with this kind of food as well as.

Basically, generations X used to eat dried fish that they caught from the freshwater. The examples of fishes are catfish and snake head fish. The excess fish that they caught will be will dry in warm environment and in turn, it will speed up the drying process. Hence, it will prevent the fish from be rotten since at that time they did not any fridge to keep and store any kind of food.Besides that, this kind of foods serve them with the high amount of protein in order to stay healthy.If we noticed that, the people who live during that time are more cherish the food compared to generations Y as well. 

The catfish is very good for us since it will act as a medium to prevent the cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This is due to it contain the high of Fatty acid and Omega 3 as well.

 While the snake head fish is very good for us since it will act as a platform to speed up the cure process, ensure our skin look tender and smooth, and will act as an anti-oxidant agent to prevent the aging process. 

But, generations Y nowadays are not really interested to eat this kind of food since they are really keen on to eat the foods like “ Daging Salai Masak Lemak”. Even though the taste of this dish is totally yummy and delicious but, it contain high in fat since it use quite amount of coconut milk that will lead to cardiovascular disease.

All in all, because of the chosen of the foods the Generations X is totally looks more healthier compared to Generations Y as a whole. 




Thursday 20 September 2012

Cassava Versus MacDonald's

Posted by Unknown at 09:11 0 comments

Basically, the term of Independence Day totally bring the huge impacts especially towards the Malaysian citizens as a whole. This is due to, 31st of August 1957 our country got it independence from the Federation of British colonization rule. Recently, we just already celebrated our 55th of Malaysia Independence Day. We as generations Y citizen or millennial generations should feel more grateful with the freedom and tranquility that we already have and in turn, we have to cherish our country and ensure the harmony and peacefulness will be everlasting for our next generation. Hence, bear in mind war and weapon just brings the disaster than triumph. 

But, the domain intention of this blog wants to explore, expose and figure out more about the “Generations X versus Generations Y foods”
Have you ever heard the food named Cassava? Basically, Cassava also known as yucca or manioc or the scientific name is Manihot Esculenta Crantz. Some of the young generations such as child and youngster will not have any idea about this kind of food. This is due to, Cassava or in Malay word we used to call it “Ubi Kayu” is the food eaten by Generation X or the group of people who survive during the British Colonization.  During that time, it was really difficult for them to find and eat the rice, so in order to boost up and gain the energy they used to eat Cassava.  Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates in the world ans is a staple food for more than 500 million people. Among crop plants, the cassava plant provides the highest yield of food energy per cultivated area per day next to sugarcane. In turn, Cassava root is very rich in starch and contains significant amounts of calcium, dietary fibre, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin b6 and vitamin C

However, the generations Y nowadays are more prefer and tend to eat fast food like MacDonald's instead of Cassava even though it consist lots of benefits. The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time. In today's fast-paced life, there is nothing better than getting a ready meal. No matter how much the chefs praise the benefits of fresh food, at the end of a hardworking, tiring and hectic day, when one returns home all tired and hungry, a burger like Double Cheeseburger and Spicy Chicken McDeluxe or a pizza can be godsend. Besides that, the time an individual has to spend in the kitchen, cooking a meal also requires one to make a trip to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the dish . Then there is the added effort and time consumed in washing and peeling the vegetables. Therefore, all this makes eating fast food score more preferably over cooking a meal for busy and hectic life style generations.

But, bear in mind this kind of food consists of its own  drawback as usually, fast food is higher in soy, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and obviously extra calories.The greatest disadvantages of fast food is the adverse effect that it has on one's health. It is a fact that fast food is more unhealthy than home-cooked meals, as it contains higher amounts of unwanted nutrients like salt, fat and various types of additives or artificial chemicals. Fast food being rich in salt, adversely affects the heart and the overall health of an individual. Such type of food is a crucial contributor and the main trigger to the obesity problem in the Malaysia population. According to  Malaysian Ministry of Health, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai stated that, 38% of child populations are facing the overweight problem that will lead to obesity problem at last. Obesity is on the rise, and a direct link is being cited between fast food and obesity in children. 

All in all, the Generations X versus Generations Y foods are obviously differ. But, the generations X foods totally are more nutrients and good for our health compared to other.

MacDonald's Commercial Break video



Generations X versus Generations Y Foods Copyright © 2012 Design by Antonia Sundrani Vinte e poucos