But, this blog will not going to discuss more about “ Wang Pokok
Pisang” since the main intention of this
blog will be exposing more about the fruits
that used to be eaten by Generations X as well as Generations Y.
Basically, bananas also known as Musa are one of the most popular choices when it comes to
healthy snacks. They are cheap, accessible and don’t have to be washed as you
peel of the skin. Bananas are used in everything from bread to chips, savoury
dishes and desserts. If you thought that
banana is just another fruit, take a look at these benefits of eating bananas.
Before Malaysia achieve it National Day, in order to stay
alive and endure with the war environment, the people used to eat banana fruit
since it contains lots of nutrients such as good for health, can prevent the
constipation problem as well as provide the energy. This is due to, during that
time, it was really hard for them to find the rice, so in order to get survived
they were eaten banana to ensure they have the ample energy to carry out their daily
routine in life.
Besides that, apples are also helping children with asthma. Children who eat apples or drank apple juice had fewer asthma attacks versus children who did not eat apples or drink apple juice.
Nutritional Value and Calories of an Apple
- 1 med. apple
- 81 calories
- protein approx 1/2 g
- carbohydrate 21g
- Fiber approx 4 g
- Vitamin A 74 IU
- Potassium 159 mg
- Niacin 0.106 mg
- Folic acid 4 mcg
- Vitamin C 8 mg
An apple a day keeps the doctor away commercial video
As a conclusion, even though these kinds of fruits are totally different but on the other side both of them provided Generations X and Generations Y benefit in the term of health.
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